
DumBitcoin– Blockchain Review

How to install LTO Network Ledger app onto your Ledger Nano S - Unofficial method

In this tutorial I will explain how to load the Ledger app I made for LTO Network onto your Ledger Nano S.

While the Ledger app is being reviewed by the Ledger team, I thought that it would be funny to explain how to install it in a manual way. I have prepared a virtual machine with all toolchain, cross-compiling, libraries, repositories and more stuff ready to load the LTO Network app without any effort. I believe that everybody will be able to follow this guide without problems.

Prerequisites: Having a Ledger Nano S updated to the latest version, with enough available space to install an extra app and placed in the main menu.

1. Download and import the VM

As I said before, I have everything packed in a virtual machine. You need to download my VM image and import it:

– In this guide we will be using Oracle VirtualBox to manage the VM. It’s free and you can download it here.

– Download my VM (4,5GB) from Drive here.

Once you have VirtualBox installed and my VM downloaded, we will import the VM with VirtualBox:

Open VirtualBox > File > Import appliances

Select the downloaded virtual machine called LTO_Ledger_Nano_S_Installer.ova and the program will ask you to edit the import options:

You may need to change the CPU number and/or the RAM depending on your computer. Putting the half of what your system has is a good approach.

After that, it will start importing the VM. It takes around ten minutes to do so.
Once you have the VM imported, you will see it on the VB panel. Select it and press start to open it:

Every time the VM is started will ask for an user and password, which is as follows:

User: usuario
Password: usuario
Then you will be on the custom Linux Mint desktop:
Attention: if a message saying “Cinnamon just crashed. You are currently in Fallback Mode” appears, turn off the virtual machine and start it again.
Now comes the tricky part: the capture of the Ledger device by the VM.
These devices can only be used by your PC or the VM, they can’t be shared. Make sure your device is not being used by another program in your PC.
Click on Devices > USB, search for Ledger Nano S and select it.

If the message “Failed to attach the USB device Ledger Nano S” pops up, it means that your PC is already using the device. Close all programs that may be using it, like browsers or desktop apps and try again. You can also try to plug and unplug your Ledger, reboot the VM or even reboot your PC due to background apps that may be using it. This is like a fight where all programs want to attach this device. You need to be fast.


This is how it looks when your device has been captured by the VM, notice the State: Captured and the left tick:


2. Install the Ledger app (easy way)

Once you have the Ledger device correctly connected with the VM, we will move on how to install the LTO Network unofficial app onto your device.

Open the Linux Terminal, which is placed on the bottom left, next to Firefox.

Write the following command:

cd ledger-app-lto

With that command, we moved to the ledger-app-lto directory, which is pointing to my Github repository with the cross-compiled sources.

We will proceed to install them. To do so, write the following command:
make load
Many stuff will be printed on the console.
If you look at your Ledger device it should be showing “Allow unknow manager?” Accept it and the installation will start. It is the same process as when you install an app by the Ledger manager, so I won’t explain this further.
After this, you will have the LTO Network unofficial app on your app list, ready to be used.
Remember to detach your device from the VM or turn it off to use the Ledger with your PC.
Do you want to remove the app? Run this command instead:
make delete

2. Install the Ledger app (pro way)

I add this method just in case somebody wants to know what we have done or how to compile itself the app.

Update my Github repo:

git pull

Remove the compiled app:

make clean

Cross-compile the app (should be fast):


Load onto the Ledger:

make load

Delete app from Ledger:

make delete

Run CLI app (remember to move from the main menu to LTO Network app on Ledger):

python python/ledger-app.py

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